How I Sleep at Night Knowing I'm Failing All My cl - tymoff

How I Sleep at Night Knowing I’m Failing All My cl – tymoff


For me it goes at night, when the world is asleep and I lie in bed, unable to stop thinking of the fact that I was a failure in my attempts to get an education. The thoughts of failing of all the classes that I have been offered become overwhelming and make it very difficult to go to sleep. However, this analysis serves to show that I have been able to look for some calm amid troubled waters as well as look for some light in the darkness. This is the story of how I sleep at night knowing I’m failing all my cl – tymoff.

Understanding the Anxiety

Stress and anxiety are quite common especially whenever a person is facing challenges in his or her class work. It is quite frustrating when one is unable to exercise his or her ability to achieve what one wants due to the inability to perform the needed tasks due to the scare that one can disappoint everyone. Though, one mustn’t lose sight of the fact that it is not only you going through it. In fact most students encounter the same difficulties.Alt text Most students are always faced with the similar problems.

Coping Mechanisms

Here are some strategies that have helped me cope with the stress of academic failure:

  • Practice Self-Care: To reduce the levels of stress it is important for one to go for a check up, exercise or take time to relax. Always make sure you’re getting enough sleep, taking good food that is balanced and taking regular exercises.
  • Seek Support: It is very effective to sometimes share how you feel with another person. Call or message a friend, a family member, a psychologist or a counselor.
  • Set Realistic Goals: Do not set big targets; rather, make them more realistic and achievable in the process of aiming for the unattainable. This will assist to make you feel a particular kind of achievement that will enhance your confidence level.
  • Learn from Your Mistakes: What mistakes are we talking about here? If I am not mistaken as well then the common phrase that people use today is “everyone is capable of making mistakes”. Aid: Instead of focusing on what the candidates have failed to do, one should find ways of correcting their mistakes.
  • Practice Mindfulness: Meditation, deep breathing and other related exercises are some of the ways that have been known to assist people in paying attention.
  • Find a Hobby: There are indeed benefits of having a hobby being that it enables the person to let off some steam.
  • Limit Social Media: Self-esteem deterioration can also be obtained from social media since people compare themselves with others. Avoid social networking sites and forums during most of your day especially if you are in a bad mood.

Creating a Positive Mindset

Therefore fostering a positive mindset is very important in dealing with academic difficulties. Here are some tips:

  • Focus on the Positive: Do not concentrate on what you have not achieved, instead look at the things that you have been able to achieve.
  • Practice Gratitude: It has been postulated that gratitude can work as a means to change your mind set and to decrease stress levels.
  • Challenge Negative Thoughts: Any time you get that negative thought in your mind, counter it with the evidence that suggests otherwise.
  • Visualize Success: Try to picture yourself making good scores in all your classes. This can help increase your motivation and confidence It For instance, telling someone that they are good at something can boost his/her morale.

Seeking Professional Help

If you feel that you are not able to handle the academic pressure by yourself, then it is wise that you should consult a professional. A therapist or a counselor will help you in coming out with a solution to the challenges that you are facing.


How can I improve my study habits?

  • Create a study schedule.
  • Guarantee you choose a location to study that is free from as many distractions as possible.
  • Subdivide tasks into smaller chunks Chase away thoughts that you have a lot of work to accomplish.
  • In order not to work to the point of exhaustion it is advisable to take breaks once in a while.

What should I do I am rendering poor academic performance in a certain class?

  • Talk to your professor.
  • Seek tutoring help.
  • Join a study group.
  • It would probably be best to drop the class if it is not mandatory.

How can I avoid feeling overwhelmed?

  • Prioritize your tasks.
  • Set realistic expectations.
  • Take breaks and relax.
  • Practice self-care.


My performance was miserable throughout my classes and it is indeed a very difficult phase in my life but It comes with evidence that one can come out of it. Therefore, knowledge of my condition, caring for myself, getting professional help and being optimistic when searching for ‘light at the end of the tunnel’, has been an amorous endeavor. Remember, you’re not alone. Academic difficulties are temporary and manageable which means they should not deter you for achieving your dreams.

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