Mexican Boy Names

Mexican Boy Names: A Guide for Parents


Boy baby names are some of the most special moments you’ll get to decide on in life. If you are interested in experiencing Mexican tradition and history, then learning about Mexican boy names can exciting. In this article, readers will be able to learn more about Mexican boy names including where the names come from, the meaning behind the name, and more.

1. Possible causes of the origins of boy names in Mexican subcultures

This unique combination of indigenous and Spanish or European names makes Mexican names very lovely.

Indigenous Roots: For instance, Aztec, Mayan, and Zapotec civilizations whom named their kids in accordance with their civilization offered many nature, gods, and warrior spirits names. Examples include:

  • Quetzalcoatl: a Deity such as ‘’Feathered Serpent.’’
  • Huitzilopochtli: Of all of Colville’s works, the painting called “Hummingbird Left” depicts the Aztec god of war and the sun.
  • Ollin: “Movement,” meaning power and activity.

Spanish Influence: Spanish colonizers introduced Catholic names and surnames in new societies they colonized, translating it to new societies. Most of today’s Mexican boy names have Spanish roots, and many of them contain religious overtones. Examples include:

  • Santiago: Saint James, which is still quite famous and traditional.
  • Mateo: Intended as ‘ Gift of God’ which gives out blessings and thankfulness.
  • Andrés: ”Manly” – in this means the strength and courage.

European Influences: However, other than Spain, Europe especially Italy and France has helped in determining Mexican boy names. Examples include:

  • Leonardo: ‘Brave lion’, meaning strong and splendid.
  • Alejandro: “Protector of mankind” which also has elements of the idea of carrying out noble, protecting actions’.
  • Emilio: He implies competition with a sharply chosen word “Rival.”

2. How to Identify a Mexican Boy Name

The main decision criteria are therefore personal and family values important to you. Here are some factors to consider:

  • Meaning and Symbolism: Read meaning and essence behind the selection of Mexican boy names. Family based options include names that symbolize your family’s character, hope, or tradition.
  • Pronunciation and Spelling: Select a name that is phonetic, so it sounds the same no matter what language you are in – English or Spanish.
  • Family Traditions: People might consider the use of family names or to identify someone with a sense of pride in their ancestry in choosing a name of which someone has died for a family name.
  • Nicknames: It must be remembered that sometimes, based on the certain name, people decide to create some kind of nickname for this name.
  • Popularity: Though it is not all that great to be popular, think of what it means to have a very popular or rare name.

3. A Selection of Mexican Boy Names

To help you in your search, here’s a selection of Mexican boy names with their meanings:

DiegoDedicated to GodGreek
FelipeLover of horsesGreek
GabrielGod is my strengthHebrew
JavierNew houseBasque
JoaquínYahweh has establishedHebrew
LeonardoBrave lionItalian
LuisFamous warriorGerman
ManuelGod is with usHebrew
MarcoDedicated to MarsLatin
MiguelWho is like God?Hebrew
RafaelGod has healedHebrew
RicardoPowerful rulerGermanic
RobertoBright fameGermanic
SantiagoFollower of Saint JamesSpanish
ValentínStrong and healthyLatin
XavierNew houseBasque

4. Beyond the Name: Celebrating Mexican Culture

Selecting a Mexican boy name is not the only way in which one can be in touch with more about the Mexican community. Consider these additional ways to celebrate your heritage:

  • Learning Spanish: By attempting to learn Spanish you will also be able to learn more about your child’s cultural background and expand your access to a whole other world of books, music, movies etc.
  • Exploring Mexican cuisine: Eating a nice Mexican food is such a perfect manner of passing on your tradition to the child.
  • Visiting Mexico: It is recommended to visit Mexico and enjoy the charms of the country and its people on one’s own skin.
  • Celebrating Mexican holidays: Holidays of Mexican traditions tell your child about your American roots, like Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead).


I need to know some more Mexican boy names that parents still end up using?

Some of the best-known Mexican boy names in recent years include Santiago Diego Miguel and Mateo.

What are the available sources that I have to search the right Mexican boy name for my lovely boy?

The most frequently used books and Web-sites on Mexican boy names are the following: You can also go to other family members or friends who have information about Mexican culture.

How can I introduce Mexican American traditions into the lifestyle of my kid?

  • That is why learning Spanish with your child can be a great opportunity to teach him or her about Spanish culture.
  • Fresh and tasty Mexican food learned in the kitchen or enjoying meals at Mexican-style restaurants is always a good idea.
  • Teaching about cultural events such as Mexican deaths allows one to create a genuine teaching context.
  • One good way of educating your child about their heritage is to let them read books and watch movies with Mexican characters and plots.
  • By listening to and enjoying Mexican music you will help your child discover the traditions of music in Mexico.

Is it possible for a person that’s not Mexican to have a Mexican traditional first name?

culturally being sensitive isgreat, besides there is no problem in christening your baby using some of the foreign names. Nevertheless, name selection should be done with care to understand the spirit associated with the name than the beautiful ring it has.


Picking a name for your child is one of the most important decisions you will ever have to make.To start exploring the list of Mexican boy names means to discover the outstanding opportunities, which hide many historical and cultural backgrounds and meanings.If you are a Mexican parent looking for the perfect name for your child then you should consider the factors spoken about in this article and accept the different influences that have made Mexican names to be what they are today.As I said before, the key concept is to have your baby’s name favorite by you and your family and to a name that will help to create happiness and a purpose in your baby’s life.

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